Vault and Weatherhead Safety |
Because energized utility equipment can be hazardous, ensure that you and your crew survey your job site before work begins. If your job site requires you to work near equipment, such as vaults or weatherheads, use these tips to help you stay safe. |
Order our FREE worker safety kit on the PG&E
e-SMARTworkers website. |
Vaults |
Underground vaults sometimes serve areas with underground distribution lines. These spaces contain much of the equipment found on overhead utility poles, including power lines, transformers, regulators and switches. When working near vaults: |
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Do not open them or remove manhole covers for any reason. These covers are intended to prevent falls and entrance of unauthorized individuals into vaults. |
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Do not work near an open manhole unless it is properly guarded. Never park over or near a manhole cover. An explosion in a manhole can propel the cover into the air with great force. |
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Never enter a manhole—even to assist a downed victim. Only emergency officials and utility personnel can do this safely. Instead, call 911 and then PG&E at 1-800-743-5000 from a safe distance. |
Weatherheads |
These waterproof caps protect service drops, the points where overhead electric wires from power poles enter buildings, usually through hollow metal poles called service masts. If you slip and fall against a service mast, pulling wires loose, you risk being severely shocked or electrocuted, so keep your distance. |
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Before work begins, locate the weatherhead and the power lines that feed into it. |
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Plan your job so that you can keep all workers, tools, materials and equipment at least 10 feet away from the weatherhead and power lines. |
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If your job requires you to work closer to these facilities, contact PG&E at 1-800-743-5000 well in advance. We’ll de-energize the service wires or make other arrangements to help you work safely. |
Would You Like to Know More? |
Additional utility safety tips, case studies, instructional videos and educational tools can all be found, at no charge to you, on PG&E's e-SMARTworkers website. |