Pacific Gas and Electric
Tips of the Trade
Avoid Wet-Weather Electrical Hazards

Everyone’s resources have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. You can help prevent locate delays by pre-marking your proposed dig area in white and notifying 811 of your planned excavation with as much lead time as is possible: up to 14 calendar days in California. To learn more about PG&E’s response to COVID-19, click here.

Powerline down on road
Stay Away from Downed Wires
Learn How to React if a Wire Falls on Your Car
Don’t Mix Water and Electricity
Would You Like to Know More?
811 know what's below 811 before you dig
Notify 811 and dig safely
Report all damage
If you suspect a gas leak or if you contact a gas pipeline or electric power line, call 911 immediately and then PG&E at 1-800-743-5000. If a gas pipeline is damaged, you must also file a damage report with the Dig Safe Board at within two hours.