Everyone’s resources have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. You can help prevent locate delays by pre-marking your proposed dig area in white and notifying 811 of your planned excavation with as much lead time as is possible: up to 14 calendar days in California. To learn more about PG&E’s response to COVID-19, click here. |
You may already know that state law requires you to notify 811 before digging so that underground utility lines can be located and marked. But do you always follow the law? We urge you to protect yourself, your crew and the public by calling 811 or placing an online locate request EVERY time before you dig. If you don’t, the consequences could be severe. Keep this email handy to remind you of the important steps to follow in California. |
Order our complimentary worker safety training kit on the PG&E
e-SMARTworkers website. |
Notify California 811 Before You Dig |
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Dial 811 or notify California 811 at california811.org at least two working days before you dig, not including the date of your request, weekends and legal holidays. |
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Before you notify California 811, you must pre-mark your proposed dig area with white paint, chalk, flags and/or stakes. |
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Confirm that all utilities have responded by checking the Electronic Positive Response System via California 811. |
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Do NOT dig until all utilities have responded. Notify 811 if you see evidence of unmarked facilities or if any utilities have not responded when the deadline passes. |
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If you do not notify 811 before digging, you risk hitting a buried utility line. You or others could be hurt or killed by a serious electric shock or a gas fire or explosion. You may also be subject to costly fines and have to pay the repair costs for any damaged utilities. |
Emergency Exceptions |
If you must respond to an emergency—such as a broken water main or other threat to life, health, property or essential public services—these requirements do not apply. In this case, proceed cautiously and call 811 as soon as possible to request emergency locate assistance. |
Would You Like to Know More? |
Additional safety tips, case studies, instructional videos and training tools can all be found, at no charge to you, on PG&E’s e-SMARTworkers website. |